6 de maio de 2010

Alice in Wonderland - Character Designs

Desenhos fixes de Michael Kutsche do filme de Tim Burton, "Alice In Wonderland". Entrevistas no Jornal Los Angeles Times e na CGSociety e alguns desenhos na Behance.


Nice drawings by Michael Kutsche from Tim Burton's movie, "Alice In Wonderland". Interviews on newspaper Los Angeles Times, CGSociety and some drawings on Behance.

Alice In Wonderland - Character Designs in Behance

CGSociety.org - Michael Kutsche

Los Angeles Times - Michael Kutsche

"Here's a collection of some of the character designs I did for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland".
http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=5599 Enjoy!"

Michael Kutsche, via Behance

Los Angeles Times