29 de dezembro de 2009

Entrevista com David Suchet/David Suchet interview

Entrevista com o David Suchet que interpreta a famosa personagem criada por Agatha Christie, Poirot. Aqui a entrevista decorre a volta do jogo, "Murder on the Orient Express", onde ele dá voz de novo a personagem Poirot. A entrevista fala do jogo, da personagem e da voz própria que criou para Poirot.


Interview with David Suchet who played the famous character created by Agatha Christie, Poirot. Here follows the interview around the game, "Murder on the Orient Express", where he gives voice again to the character Poirot. The interview talks about the game, the character and the voice that he created for Poirot.


Entrevista/Interview Youtube

28 de dezembro de 2009

Ideia ecológica/Ecological idea

Anúncio que pode ser reutilizado como papel de presente de natal.


Paper advertisement that can be reused as wrapping paper for christmas


26 de dezembro de 2009

Flash mob no aeroporto de Lisboa/ Flash mob at Lisbon airport

23 Dezembro de 2009, Lisboa
Aeroporto de Lisboa


23rd December 2009, Lisbon
Lisbon Airport



Video oficial Youtube TAP/ANA

Via telemóvel/Link via mobile
Youtube Jorgefred84

21 de dezembro de 2009

Casa dos Simpsons para real mundo/The real Simpsons house

Para quem gosta de ver os Simpsons, a famosa casa desta família foi transformada do desenho para o real mundo.


For those who like to watch the Simpsons, the famous home of this family has been transformed from the drawing to the real world.

Andy Warhol Club

Trabalho da 178 Aardige Ontwerpers


Work by 178 Aardige Ontwerpers.


Behance Andy Warhol Club work
Behance 178 Aardige Ontwerpers
178 Site oficial
Oficial Club Andy Warhol


Curta metragem engraçada mas sinistra.


A funny short film funny but also creepy.

Alma Short Film
Alma is Rodrigo Blaas’ first short film as a director. Originally from Spain, Rodrigo Blaas has worked in animation for more than ten years, in Spain and in the United States.

Alma Short Film Site


Written and Directed by: Rodrigo Blaas

Produced by: Cecile Hokes

Music: Mastretta

Art Director: Alfonso Blaas

Lighting Supervisor: Jonatan Catalán

Character Technical Supervisor: Jaime Maestro

Character Design: Bolhem Bouchiba, Carlos Grangel,

Sergio Pablos, Santi Agustí

Animation: Daniel Peixe, ManueBover, Remi Hueso

Sound Design: Tom Myers and David Hughes

Post Production Coordinator: David Heras

Special Thanks: Keytoon, Next Limit, UserT38


Alma Short Film

17 de dezembro de 2009

Museu GoudA/GoudA Museum

Descobrir um espaço através de uma lanterna UV. No Museu GoudA na Holanda. Muito fixe!
Ilustração de Jos Verwer e tipografia de Trapped in Suburbia.


Discover a space with a UV flashligth. On GoudA Museum in Holland. Very cool!
Illustration was done by Jos Verwer, the typography by Trapped in Suburbia.

For museum goudA we were asked to redesign the torture exhibition in their cellar. And so we started to think how to make it more exciting and get kids to read the little signs next to the torture equipment. We've decided to make it an experience put al the information on the floor with UV-paint. In this way you can only see something when you put on the UV-flash light otherwise it is just a white floor. So you really have to go exploring and discover new things. All the info on the floor is hand drawn, even the text. Illustration was done by Jos Verwer, the typography by Trapped in Suburbia.

Mais fotos no link Behance.
More photos in Behance link.


Museum GoudA

Publicidade criativa em paragens de autocarro/Creative bus stop advertisementse

Via twitter Nikki Smith-Morgan

Várias fotografias engraçadas tiradas a paragens de autocarros. No Creative Criminals existe no total 23 fotografias de varias paragens de autocarros inspiradas em filmes, mensagens sobre ambiente, consola de jogos, cadeias fast food, entre muito mais.


Several funny photos taken at bus stops. In Creative Criminals there is a total of 23 photographs of various bus stops expired in movies, messages about the environment, video games, fast food chains, among many more.

Creative Criminals
Twitter Nikki Smith-Morgan

16 de dezembro de 2009

Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Portugal proposed the challenge to make 15 artworks, one for each pilot in the Red Bull Air Race.
As a result, this 15 framed canvas, each inspired individually in the pilots background, interests and team colors. Each is signed in the back and has a text about the Portuguese Azulejo tile.

From Behance

Projecto de Diogo Machado inspirado na corrida do Red Bull Air Race
Project by Diogo Machado inspired by the Red Bull Air Race

Para ver todo este trabalho é aqui Behance / To see the whole work click here Behance
Diogo Machado Portfólio na Behance

Add Fuel To The Fire


Logo criado por Hélder Pombinho da agência portuguesa Brandia Central.
Apresentado ontem na Praça Mykhailivska, em Kiev, capital ucraniana. EURO 2012 que Ucrânia e Pólonia organizarão em conjunto.


Logo created by Hélder Pombinho from the portuguese agency Brandia Central.
Presented yesterday at Mykhailivska Square in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. EURO 2012 that Ukraine and Poland will hold together.


"Fazer História Juntos"
"Creating History Together"


Visual identity
The purpose of the logo is to give UEFA EURO 2012™ a personality of its own, with the visual identity to be applied across a range of promotional applications from tickets to web banners. The objective is to help promote the tournament – one of the world's biggest sporting events – by providing an easily recognisable identity with a flavour of the host nations. The logo takes its visual lead from 'wycinanka', the traditional art of paper cutting practised in rural areas of Poland and Ukraine, as a tribute to the fauna and flora of the region.

EURO bloom
The 'bloom' logo has a flower representing each of the co-host nations and a central ball symbolising the emotion and passion of the competition, while the stem denotes the structural aspect of the competition, UEFA and European football. Nature has inspired other features of the visual identity, with woodland green, sun yellow, aqua blue, sky blue and blackberry purple being the crucial tones of the palette of colours to figure in official tournament branding.

Uniting ethos
The event slogan, meanwhile, is 'Creating History Together'. The staging of the UEFA European Championship finals in Poland and Ukraine, a first for Central and Eastern Europe, will have a place in the history books, with everyone involved in UEFA EURO 2012™ – organisers, host countries, host cities, players and fans – contributing to another exciting chapter of European football.



Com mais informação
With more informacion Logo Design Love
Video Youtube
Brandia Central

Hélder Pombinho Linked In

14 de dezembro de 2009

Animar 5

Spot publicitário

Desde o dia 5 deste mês até 7 de Março
de 2010, encontrará na Galeria Solar, Vila do Conde a 5º edição anual da Animar. Pode-se encontrar na exposição brinquedos ópticos e uma breve introdução à história do cinema de animação. Pode-se também assistir a 3 animações e algumas têm em exposição as marionetas, os endereços, alguns desenhos originais e parte dos cenários.


Since day 5 of this month up to 7 of March of 2010, you will find in Galeria Solar, Vila do Conde, the 5th edition of the annual festival Animar. You will be able to find in the exhibition optic toys and a brief introduction to the history of the animation. You can also watch 3 animations and some have in exhibition the marionettes, the props, some original drawings and part of the scenarios.

Informação sobre os filmes na exposição / Information about the movies on the exhibition


José Ribeiro, Portugal, 2009, 20 min
São capazes de guardar um segredo?... Este domingo vai ser diferente. Ne
m pomos os pés dentro de um carro. A mãe e o pai não vão discutir e nós vamos brincar num jardim de couves gigantes.


Kirk Henry, Reino Unido, 2008, 5 min

Um conto de morte e renascimento num mundo selvagem de mãos sombrias.


Sarah Cox, Reino Unido, 2006, 2 min

Não puxes o fio até ao fim, emenda-o...


José Ribeiro, Portugal, 2009, 20min
Can you keep a secret?... This Sunday will be different. We will not get into the car. Mom and dad will not argue and we will play on a garden of gigantic cabbages.

Kirk Hendry, UK, 2008, FIC/MV, 5'26
A tale of death and rebirth rages in a jungle world of shadowy hands
“The BBC Electric Proms runs a scheme called New Music Shorts. In a nutshell, you choose one of three pre-selected music tracks, write a narrative treatment for it and cross your fingers... I wrote a treatment for a song called 'Round' by Mute Records artistXX Teens and was lucky enough to be comissioned to produce it.” Kirk Hendry

Sarah Cox, Reino Unido, 2006, 2 min
Don’t pull the end of the thread... Darn it...“
This film plays on the stitch in time metaphor. It takes a long time to create something and not very long to destroy it. Knitting works as an appropriate vehicle for this message, we knitted beautiful animals and trees and landscapes but we destroyed them so easily, unpicking stitch by stitch and filming this as stop motion.” Sarah Cox

Animar 5: http://curtas.pt/solar/index.php?menu=229&submenu=409
Spot publicitário Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3nciW6LJU
Curtas: http://www.curtas.pt/solar/
José Ribeiro: http://www.curtasmetragens.pt/agencia/realizadores/230/ (The text only Portuguese)
"Passeio De Domingo": http://www.curtasmetragens.pt/agencia/filmes/197/
Kirk Hendry: http://www.kirkhendry.com
"NÃO DEIXES QUE SE DESFAÇA"/"DON'T LET IT ALL UNRAVEL": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c72oUhvpc9E

Outras informações

Entrada é grátis com várias actividades para as escolas com visitas gratuitas para escolas e outros grupos mediante pré-reservas do Ensino pré-Escolar ao Ensino Superior. Além de visitas guiadas pode-se ainda encontrar uma sala dedicada à realização de pequenos filmes de animação e realização de outras experiências em torno da imagem em movimento.

8 de dezembro de 2009


Gosto da música e da animação. Muito fixe!
I like the music and animation. Very cool!


Music Video Directed by Yoann Lemoine Prod: Wanda

Mais informações/more information:
Link oficial Yoann Lemoine
Link Myspace Yoann Lemoine
Link oficial Wanda
Link animação/animation no/in Aniboom
Link animação/animation no/in Youtube

Tokujin Yoshioka - Instalação de video/Video installation

Via twitter, GiovannaIsaia

Tokujin Yoshioka

Instalação de vídeo de Tokujin Yoshioka para a Hermes em Tóquio, Japão. Tokujin Yoshioke é um criador de vários projectos ligados a várias marcas, dentro e fora do Japão, tais como Hermes, Toyota, BMW, KDDI, Swarovski, entre outras. Ganhou já vários prémios no Japão e pelo mundo fora. Alguns dos seus trabalhos mais importantes encontram-se em exposições permanentes em vários museus importantes pelo mundo como o MoMA (Nova Iorque), Centre National d' Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou (Paris) Victoria and Albert Museum (Londres), Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum (Nova Iorque) and Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein). Deixo aqui um vídeo da sua ultima instalação e o link da página oficial deste designer, onde pode saber mais um pouco de Tokujin Yoshioka e o seus trabalhos.


Video installation of Tokujin Yoshioka for Hermes in Tokyo, Japan. Tokujin Yoshioke is a creator of some projects for some brands, inside and outside of Japan, such as Hermes, Toyota, BMW, KDDI, Swarovski, among others. He already won various prizes in Japan and all around the world . Some of his most important work are in permanent exhibitions in several important museums all over the world such as the MoMA (New York), Centre National d' Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou (Paris) Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum (New York) and Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein). I leave here a video of his last installation and the link to the official page of this designer, where you can know a little more about Tokujin Yoshioka and his work.

7 de dezembro de 2009

Hocus Pocos - J'attends

"J'attends" é uma música de Hocus Pocus do álbum "73 Touches" de 2005. Hip-hop francês no seu melhor. Mas para quem não gosta de música francesa deixe-se ficar para ver só o vídeo que vale a pena. Ponha outra música ou tire o som e delicie-se com o video-clip. Muito bom!

"J'attends" is a song of Hocus Pocus from the album "73 Touches" of 2005. The best of frech hip-hop. But for those who don't like fresh music, stay here and watch the video because it is great. Put another music on or turn off the sound and delight yourself with this music video. Very good!

Vídeo via Myspace e/and via Youtube


6 de dezembro de 2009

I wish

"Once upon a time, we awoke with a new question on our mind. We didn’t quite know what the buzz and bustle of a Brooklyn afternoon would bring. In search of nothing more than some fresh answers, we found a few dreams instead.

It’s a simple question and the answers can lead us anywhere. So go ahead, ask yourself…"

Fifth People One Question
Brooklyn, NY
Question >> To wake up

Existem mais três vídeos com mais perguntas noutras cidades como Londres,
Nova Iorque e em Nova Orleães.

There are three more videos with more question in other cities like London, New York and New Orleans.

Fifty People One Question
Londres/London, UK
By question: To wake up
Nova Iorque/New York, NY
By question: By the end of today
Nova Orleães/New Orleans, LA
By question: By the end of today


25 ideias criativas/ 25 creative ideias

25 ideias criativas para tornar o seu espaço de trabalho parecer mais fixe. Para ver por aqui.

25 creative ideias to make your workplace look really cool. Right here.

4 de dezembro de 2009


Tropfest é o maior festival de curtas metragens do mundo que já leva 17 anos de existência com origem em Sidney, Austrália. Actualmente o festival ocorre em Sidney e Nova Iorque.
O vencedor do festival de 2008 foi Jason Van Genderen que utilizou um telemóvel e com ele captou palavras das ruas de Sydney e Nova Iorque.

Tropfest is the biggest short film festival of the world that has 17 years of existence with its origin in Sydney, Australia and it currently occurs in Sydney and New York.
The winner of the 2008 edition of the festival was Jason Van Genderen that used a cell phone to capture words of the streets of Sydney and New York.

Link do vídeo vencedor
Link of winner video

Vídeo do vencedor/video of winner

Mais informações do festival/More information about this festival
Link do site oficial Tropfest
Link do canal do Tropfest no Youtube
Link no Facebook

Liu Bolin Artista Chinês/Liu Bolin Chinese Artist

Liu Bolin é um artista chinês que se pode chamar tanto como o Homem Camaleão ou o Homem Invencível. Pinta-se consoante o fundo que se vai fundir sem truques de fotografia. Mas além destes trabalhos fotográficos está ligado também a escultura com alguns trabalhos já expostos.

Liu Bolin is a Chinese artist who can be called The Human Chameleon or the Invisible Man. He paints himself according to the background in which he is goint to merge with no photography tricks. But, besides these photography works, he is also connected to sculpture and has some work in exibition.

Mais informações aqui com fotografias e textos:
More information here with photographs and text:

Galerie Bertin (Inglês/English) In this website there's more information about a Liu Bolin
Revista Design(Português/Portuguese)
Design Boom (Inglês/English)
100 Pauta (Português/Portuguese)

24 de novembro de 2009

Pequeno filme encontrado no site BéhanceNetwork. Criado por Martijn Hogenkamp para a Freeband. Interessante pelo seu conteúdo e pelo seu visual.

Short movie found on the site BéhanceNetwork. Created by Martijn Hogenkamp for Freeband. Interesting by its content and image.

Freeband - The Ambient Life from The QBF on Vimeo.

22 de novembro de 2009

Vídeo com muita imaginação animado e criado por Donato Sansone e Enrico Ascoli no som design.

Video with a lot of imagination, animated and created by and Donato SansoneEnrico Ascoli in sound design


Donato Sansone / Enrico Ascoli / Animation


VIDEOGIOCO by Donato Sansone from Enrico Ascoli - Sound Design on Vimeo.