19 de julho de 2011

2 de março de 2011

Drawing Inspiration - Tim McCourt & Wesley Louis

Drawing Inspiration
Directed By

Tim McCourt

and Wesley Louis

Story by Steve Stamp

Written By Tim McCourt and Steve Stamp

Animators - Wesley Louis, Tim McCourt, Laurent Rossi, Robert Robinson Paul Lacolley, Nick Lennox, Micheal Plummer, Geoff King, Kristian Antonelli, Chris Halls

Backgrounds and Layouts - Paul Bloomfield

Compositing - Paul Bloomfield

Music - Alex Mattinson

Sound Designs by Matt Davies & Mark Apicella

Produced by Dexter Dash

Executive Producer Henry Scholfield

Thanks to Partizan Lab, Isabella Parish, Tori Davis & Maarten Rijs

24 de novembro de 2010

Don't try to be orignal. Just try to be good

"Don't try to be original. Just try to be good. That sounds sort of naive but it's true."
Paul Rand quoting Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

Video Youtube
Via @Logo Design Love

23 de novembro de 2010

Stop Motion for Canal Plus by Greg Barth

Via facebook @Swatch MTV Playground

A stop motion opening for Canal Plus directed by Greg Barth.

"Created and Directed by Greg Barth

Client: Flab Prod / Canal +
Art direction, Coordination and Design: Greg Barth
DOP: Noé Sardet (Parafilms)
Lighting and troubleshooting: Noé Sardet (Parafilms)
Main wood building and troubleshooting: Clement_Yeh
Wooden letters, custom tables & other carved elements: Faux Cadres Canal
Paper / Cardboard elements: Adrien Baudet

Sound Design: Nookaad Prod.
Music: Flab Prod.

Animators: Greg Barth, Noé Sardet, Colas Wohlhahrt,
Alex Da Cunha, Remi Borgeal, Ai-Vy Huyn, Clement_Yeh

Equipment: Clement_Yeh, Parafilms, Daddy Mojo, Nicolas Venne, Stefan Verna, Made Of Stills, Merci infiniment!!"


Edition Spéciale Making Of from soulgrafix on Vimeo.

Edition Spéciale Making Of

Swatch MTV Playground

via twitter mdinis - It's a boy!!!

via twitter mdinis

http://www.ibelieveinadv.com - It's a boy!!!

17 de novembro de 2010

http://www.pontopreto.com.pt on-line!

Finalmente site operacional no Firefox, Google Chrome e Safari. Testado nas últimas versões destes browers. Cometem, boas ou más serão sempre bem vindas.


Finaly my website is on-line on Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Tested on last the version of these browsers.
Good and bad comments are welcome.
Link: Ponto Preto